Hot rolled steel and plates – the main standard for steel sheets and plates is EN 10025. The today steel sheets and plates are of better and better quality thanks to the rigorous inspections and controls. These products are resistant to fire, weather conditions having multiple applications domains. The main steel quality is given by the attribute “S” (meaning steel). The mechanical characteristics are given by the attributes like “235”, “275” or “355”. The connection of mechanical characteristics with temperature is given by attributes “JR” (20 C degrees temperature), “JO” (zero C degree temperature” or “J2” (negative temperature, up to minus 20 C degrees). Regarding treatment conditions, we have attributes “+AR” (as rolled”, “+M” (thermomechanical rolling) and “+N” (normalized rolling).
- Sheets-Plates as per EN10025-2 (11)
- Sheets-Plates as pe EN10025-3 (N, NL) (0)
- Sheets-Plates as per EN10025-4 (M, ML) (0)
- Sheets-Plates as per EN10025-5 (JOW, J2W, K2W) (0)
- Sheets-Plates as per EN10025-6 (Q, QL, QL1) (0)
- Pressure vessel steel as per EN 10028 (0)
- High yield strength steels as per EN 10149 (0)
- Sheets-Plates Shipyard Industry (0)
- Tear Drops (2)